Website Maintenance
If you have a website, you probably wouldn’t have even realised that it would need some regular maintenance to keep it functioning correctly. Regular maintenance is also needed for your website because Google rewards active websites that are updated regularly and gives them organic higher rankings and penalise stagnate websites.
If you are not updating your website regularly, or if you don’t have the time to do so, then our Website Maintenance program is just the thing for you.
Our Website Maintenance Program includes:
- Making sure your website is being backed up regularly
- Updating your CMS
- Updating any plugin that are being used
- Checking all links are working
- Checking all pages to make sure they are SEO accurate
- Checking performance, page load speed etc.
- Checking comments and attending to any that need attending to
- Give you a report on all the above, plus advise you on any issues that maybe affecting your site.
Starting from $199 per month excluding GST.
If you would like to know more about this service, please contact us.